Shop Talk with DJ MostDope


Welcome back to the 104SixAnd1 Podcast everyone! On today’s episode I would like to welcome my good friend Mike Quezada!

We are just kickin it back remembering some of the old days while at the same time keeping it interesting.

There’s some life advice in there, some NBA talk and of course you know we had to talk about dem Yankees!!!

For those interested follow me on Instagram @104SixAnd1 for all updates on the cast and to interact with me if you have anything specific you’d like me to talk about!

Appreciate Mike for coming on the cast this week and I hope you guys enjoy!

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Welcome back to the 104SixAnd1 Podcast everyone! On today’s episode I would like to welcome my good friend Mike Quezada!

We are just kickin it back remembering some of the old days while at the same time keeping it interesting.

There’s some life advice in there, some NBA talk and of course you know we had to talk about dem Yankees!!!

For those interested follow me on Instagram @104SixAnd1 for all updates on the cast and to interact with me if you have anything specific you’d like me to talk about!

Appreciate Mike for coming on the cast this week and I hope you guys enjoy!

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Welcome back to the 104SixAnd1 Podcast everyone! On today’s episode I would like to welcome my good friend Mike Quezada!

We are just kickin it back remembering some of the old days while at the same time keeping it interesting.

There’s some life advice in there, some NBA talk and of course you know we had to talk about dem Yankees!!! 

For those interested follow me on Instagram @104SixAnd1 for all updates on the cast and to interact with me if you have anything specific you’d like me to talk about!

Appreciate Mike for coming on the cast this week and I hope you guys enjoy!

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